
My Name Is

Waquar Haseeb



I have been solving problems since my sopomore year. I am familiar many programming languages like Javascript,Java, C,php etc. But i love to code with C++ and python. I have done specialization courses on deep learning, tensorflow and Generative adversial Networks offered by deeplearning.ai Some of my industrial skills include following:-

Data Science

Having knowledge of machine learning's as well as deep learning's models and algorithms, tensorflow,keras,pycaret, generative adversial networks, natural language processing, computer vision(openCV) and recognitions etc.

Website Design

HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, SQL, git , and familiar with php,reactjs,nodejs. I have designed many live site including my college's first hackathon site with help of my clubmates.

Leadership skills

I can proudly say that i have leadership skills as well as team work ability. I am totally dedicated to my work and i always initiative for the good. I love to guide my juniors as well as my batchmates whenever they need me.

Writing Skills

Meanwhile, i write some urdu poem or shayari and quotes . You can find my most of writings on QuotesThis skill helps me to think in a creative way and offers me to deliver my thoughts in a beautiful way


Business Process Management System

Research Internship IIT Kharagpur

I have done this project in my research internship using six different datasets (Bank loan dataset, road traffic management, 4 synthetic generated datasets) The objective of this project was to predict the outcome of the process.The technology we used were neural networks,keras , tensorflow,and more python libraries. notebook


Digits Recognizer

Ranked Top 3% (35/1558) on kaggle competitions

This is the problem of image processing . I solved this problem using simple neural network having 5 hidden layers and then using modified LeNet model. The objective of this project was to recognise the hand written digits . The technologies used were Convolution neural network, Maxpooling and stride layer and relatable python libraries. notebook




This is the problem of computer vision. I am using openCV to build this camscanner. The objective of this project is to scan a page just like a camscannerr.


Video to text convertor

using youtube videos

For this project i used youtube videos url and first converted them to audio . Then the problem become simple , we only have to convert audio to text. So, for that purpose i use in-build recogniser library and stored all the text in a file. notebook


Fake news detector

Kaggle Problem statement

It is the natural language processing problem statement on kaggle. solved this using LSTM , word embedding and tokeniser. notebook


About me

Machine Learning Engineer | Front end Web developer

My name is Waquar Haseeb. I am studying computer science engineering from Birsa Institute Of technology, sindri. I have self learnt the specialised course on Generative adversial networks ,deep learning, and many more. I have dedicated my college's 2 years in generating problem solving skills. I am Technical Head for machine learning section of Our college's only coding club that is HnCC. I have some achievements and goals .

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Baldeo Sahay Lane,Lower Bazar
